This program was designed to prepare candidates for the ABEM EMS Certifying Exam. It has not been designed or validated to prepare candidates for the AOBEM EMS Certifying Exam.
This program was designed for candidates who have registered for and are preparing for the EMS Board Certification Exam, but all are welcome to participate. No part of this content may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of UB|MD Emergency Medicine. All rights reserved. The 2023 content has not been validated to predict success on the EMS Board Certification exam. Although we have made every effort to ensure that the information is correct, the sponsors, editors and contributors do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. This content is an educational/study reference, and does not replace/supersede the clinical judgment of the treating physician with respect to appropriate and necessary care.
This program is not endorsed by or affiliated with the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM), the Nation Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), the American College of Emergency Medicine (ACEP) or the American Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine (AOBEM).
CME credit has not yet been approved for this activity.
Peter Antevy MD
Jenny Atas MD
Detroit Medical Center
Krystal Baciak MD
University of Chicago
Joshua Bucher MD
Morristown Medical Center
Jennifer Gibson Chambers DO
University at Buffalo
Matthew Chovaz MD
East Carolina University
Mario Colella MD
Medical College of Wisconsin
Craig Cooley MD
University of Texas at San Antonio
Derek Cooney MD
SUNY Upstate
Ryan Coughlin
Jeremiah Escajeda MD
University of Pittsburgh
Glenn Ekblad MD
Western Michigan University
William Fales, MD
Western Michigan University
Jason Fischel MD
Norwalk Hospital
Marshall Frank DO
Samuel Galvagno DO
University of Maryland
Christopher E. Gainey, MD
Palmetto Health
Kenneth Hanson MD
Central Michigan University
Jeff Jarvis MD
Texas A&M
Daniel Joseph MD
Christian Knutsen MD
SUNY Upstate
Julio Lairet MD
Emory University
Jeffrey Lubin MD
Penn State
Kevin Mackey MD
Kaiser Permanente, South Sacramento
Christian Martin-Gill MD
University of Pittsburgh
Christopher Mitchell MD
Julian Mapp MD
University of Texas at San Antonio
Juan March MD
East Carolina University
Darrell Nelson MD
Wake Forest University
Dan O’Donnell MD
Indiana University
Dipesh Patel MD
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Alex Petrosian MD
University at Buffalo
Roberto Portela MD
East Carolina University
Nick Rathert MD
Albany Medical Center
Shira Schlesinger MD
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Kevin Schultz MD
University of Texas – Houston
Salvatore Silvestri MD
University of Central Florida
Kathy Staats MD
University of California, San Diego
Doug Swanson MD
Carolinas Medical Center
Kaori Tanaka DO
University of Texas at San Antonio
Christine Van Dillen MD
University of Florida
Stefanie Wise MD
Wayne State University
Jeff Young MD
University of Virginia