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Statewide EMS Mobilization Survey: All EMS services to complete

Yesterday, the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma System (BEMS) activated the New York State EMS Mobilization Plan to support ongoing DOH COVID-19 operations in Westchester County. While there are currently no additional deployment requests pending, BEMS is developing a list of available EMS agency equipment and personnel that would be available should additional requests be received. We are requesting that each EMS agency complete the “Statewide EMS Mobilization Survey” that can be accessed using the link below.

The first section of the survey contains a field for “Reporting Period.” Currently, we are collecting information for two reporting periods (March 8 – March 14 and March 15 – March 21). EMS agencies should submit a survey for each reporting period. If operations last beyond March 21st, additional reporting periods may be added to the survey and resent to you for distribution. We are requesting that surveys for reporting period of March 8 – March 14 be completed by 13:00hrs on Sunday (3/8/20).

Steven P. Dziura Jr.

Deputy Director

New York State Department of Health

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma Systems

875 Central Avenue
Albany, New York 12206

(518) 402-0997|