New York State COVID19 Emergency Medical Services Agency Leadership Update
Friday, Mar 20, 2020 3:00 pm | 1 hour
Phone: 518-549-0500
Meeting number: 611 461 030
Password: COVID19
This meeting is to update New York State EMS Agency leadership on the current events related to EMS and COVID19.
Due to the large number of participants expected, we are asking that callers please submit questions via the chat box located in the Webex platform.
If a caller is asked to “unmute” their phone to speak related to a question submitted, please use *6 to unmute your phone and then *6 again to put your back on mute.
Please remember not to put your phone on hold while on the call. Please remember to shut off your computer microphone and speakers if you are calling in by phone.
Please feel free to share this invitation with other EMS agency leadership.
We do ask that agency leadership then after the call share the information with their agency providers.
Join by phone
1-844-633-8697 US Toll Free
1-518-549-0500 Local
Access code: 611 461 030