First and foremost, thank you for everything that you do today and every day to serve the urgent, emergent and medical transport needs of the residents and visitors of your respective areas. This week is a celebration of the work done daily by the over 60,000 EMTs, 1,800 EMS Agencies, 19 Program Agencies and 18 Regions to serve the public.
Remember that each agency / County EMS Coordinator / REMSCO / REMAC / Program Agency / Course Sponsor may nominate an individual or a team who has gone above and beyond in their service this year to help others. The link for these submissions is located at https://apps.health.ny.gov/pubpal/builder/survey/ems-week-2020-ems-team-and-emt-r.
EMS Agency Leadership and EMS Provider Weekly Update
This week’s call with the EMS Agency Leadership and EMS Providers has been cancelled. We will announce the date and time for the next call and look forward to sharing more information from this week and preparations for the future.
However, we know that questions will still arise and we know that feedback from the Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems is helpful for you; those questions may still be submitted to: https://apps.health.ny.gov/pubpal/builder/survey/nys-covid-19-response-ems-agency ~ any questions requiring an immediate or more urgent response will receive a direct contact from the Bureau.
Stay safe and Stay vigilant!