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Job Opportunity at SUNY Erie

By Alerts, EMS Jobs

Greetings Everyone,

Please see the announcement from SUNY Erie

Our new full-time posting is up with a slight adjustment to the job description. It now says CIC is preferred rather than required.

The starting salary does not reflect that this is a 12 month position that comes with summer teaching load pay and a stipend for working the summer months. In addition we received personal time to allow flexible time off throughout the year since it is a 12 month position and the healthcare and retirement benefits are excellent.

If you are interested apply at the link below. If you have questions, call me. If you know someone you think is a good fit, please share this information.

Identifying & Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking

By Alerts
Identifying & Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking
Speaker: Julie Palmer, MS, CRC, MT-BC PATH Enrichment Center
Date: Thursday 11/14/24
Time: 18:00 to 20:00
Location: Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Description: The presentation will be on how to identify and respond to victims of human trafficking. We are experiencing an increasing problem in our community and it is happening in all towns and neighborhoods. We will offer education on the definition of human trafficking, how it impacts our community, indicators to identify victimization and how to respond.
CME credit awarded and certificate will be presented at the end of the lecture.

Niagara County Narcan Supply Requests for Agencies Participating in Leave Behind Program

By Alerts

From the Director of Niagara County Public Health and Emergency Preparedness,

Niagara County has acquired a modest stock of Narcan and can fill orders for first-response agencies in Niagara County who wish to participate in the Leave Behind Program or agencies that have been obtaining supplies through Erie County.

Here is a link to submit a request:

Niagara County is also beginning to provide community-based training on the recognition of opioid overdoses and the administration of Narcan. If you are aware of any agencies or partners that would be interested in this training please refer them to Niagara County Emergency Management.

Mercy Hospital of Buffalo Door Code

By Alerts

As of 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, October 25, 2024, Mercy Hospital of Buffalo will change its EMS entrance code to 5650.

This is a reminder to ALL WNY EMS providers that they should not share this code with anyone outside of EMS and should not utilize the EMS entrance to gain access to Mercy Hospital of Buffalo when they are not acting in the capacity of an EMS provider.

UBMD Portal

By Alerts, Credentialing

Greetings Everyone,

Last night, our portal developer made some changes to the System that ultimately took some providers “offline”. Fortunately, this was not a very big list of providers, which is exciting to know we are following the WREMAC guidance. I realize that this might be a frustration for some of the providers or agency leadership to have to deal with this change that has occurred, but unfortunately over the years we have put to many bandaids on the system so it was no longer functioning correctly. Last night was a correction of those issues and I wanted to take a moment to explain a few things as we move forward with these changes. Going forward, if a provider does not complete their skills by the deadline of June 30th, it will automatically change your status. To prevent this from happening, please make sure that we are all completing the necessary skills by the due date annually.

One of the other changes that is going to occur sometime in the near future is we are changing the “Online / Offline” to “Compliant / Non-Compliant”. This is more reflective of what is actually occurring in regards to the WREMAC policies and contains a softer tone to providers status. While I do realize some of you find that the portal is pointless and an inconvenience, I do want to say that it does serve a needed purpose. Both the REMSCOs and Program agency are required to collect a a lot of the information that is contained in the portal. It also allows us to track certain expiration dates on your behalf to ensure that your agencies remain compliant with NYS.

Please be patient as we move through these changes. In regards to the recent status change, if you were moved to “offline” please get with your agency and work to correct the deficiencies. It is worth noting that unless you were specifically told by your Medical Director that you are offline, or your Provider card or CPR card is expired, you should not consider yourself “offline” because the portal said so. We understand there is going to be an adjustment period that we need to work through on this and with the changes we are not looking to shake things up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your agency or us and we can see what we can do to answer those for you.



By Alerts

Greetings Everyone,

A message from Catholic Health:

Mount St. Mary’s Hospital Emergency Room Ramp Stating October 3, 2024 Mount Saint Mary’s Hospital will have a temporary CT trailer parked in the Emergency Ambulance ramp. The trailer will remain in the ramp while we replace our CT machine. We do not have a timeframe for how long this project will last. Ambulances will still be able to access the ER entrance; however, parking will be limited in the ramp. Please see the attached picture. We are asking ambulances to unload their patient, and then move ambulances to the parking area at the bottom of the ramp. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our EMS Liaison Team: Amanda Ohlson (716) 807–4721 Robert Orlowski (716) 330–8482 Scott Then (716) 868–3673 Emily James (716) 812–4275

Vitals Signs EMS Games

By Alerts

Greetings Everyone,

I have been informed that there are still openings for the Vital Signs EMS Games. If you think that you are interested, please download the attachment and follow directions on registering. The attachment also includes more information on the games.

MHOB Awards Nomination – Final Reminder

By Alerts

Greetings Everyone,

Attached is the notice and nomination form for selection of EMS awards through Catholic Health. If you know of someone that should be nominated, please fill out and return to Catholic Health for consideration. Thanks

EMS Agencies to Report Long Wait Times at Hospitals

By Alerts

Increased Wait Time Survey

The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems wants to hear from EMS Providers in a timely fashion when the wait time to transfer patient care at a hospital is longer than normal.

Please be candid when providing information so the Bureau staff may review it.

Please see the link to the survey: