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Nationwide Innovative Practices in EMS Post Overdose Response Survey

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The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) invite you to participate in the Nationwide Innovative Practices in EMS Post Overdose Response Survey. The information gathered through this assessment will inform a report exploring the extent to which innovative practices are being implemented, what the key barriers are, what some possible solutions might be, and how partnering with public health might benefit the work. Innovation is being defined here and throughout this survey as any program or practice that addresses a need identified at the state/local/community level but has not gone through rigorous scientific testing yet to develop the evidence-base. Participation is voluntary and reporting of the data will be in aggregate fashion.

This assessment will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. It is intended to quickly capture what innovations your EMS organization has implemented, barriers to implementing those innovations, and how public health organizations can best assist.

While this survey should be completed individually, please feel free to reach out to others within your organization to gather information, if necessary. Please submit any responses to this survey by Friday, November 20th, 2020.

Survey Link:

If you have any questions about this assessment, please contact ASTHO’s Research and Evaluation Team:

Thank you for your participation in this assessment effort!

St Joes EMS Diversion Notice – effective 07:00 on November 19

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Please accept this notice that effective 0700 am on Thursday November 19th, 2020 St. Joseph Campus on Harlem Road in Cheektowaga NY will be on Full EMS Diversion. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Emily Rowles at or via cell at (716) 812 – 4275.

SJC EMS Diversion Notification November 2020

Lori Dufresne, MS, RN, ANP-BC, NEA-BC
System Director of Emergency Services
2157 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214

EMS Leadership Position: Operations Manager at LVAC

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The Lancaster Volunteer Ambulance Corps seeks to hire a full-time Operations Manager.  To learn more about this opportunity, please review the position description (below).

Interested applicants should send their resume and cover letter to: Allison Revelas at:

Applications must be received by 2pm on Monday, December 7th. Interviews will be done the week of December 13th (dates and times to be determined).

LVAC Operations Manager Position Description

COVID Alert NY App Information

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The following except and document for download is provided at the request of NYS EMS and Trauma Systems Director, Ryan Greenberg.

New York is thrilled to launch COVID Alert NY – the official Exposure Notification App created by the New York State Department of Health in partnership with Google and Apple. Now you can use your phone in the fight against COVID-19 and get exposure alerts, without compromising your privacy or personal information.

Anyone who downloads the app does not have to worry about being tracked, identified or having their personal information shared. The app is completely anonymous and does not track your location or movement. No personal data is collected. COVID Alert NY uses Bluetooth proximity-enabled exposure notification technology provided by Apple and Google which is safe and secure.

Download COVID Alert NY App Information