This weekly meeting is to update New York State EMS Agency leadership on the current events related to EMS and COVID19.
UPDATE: Due to the large number of participants expected, we are asking that participants please submit questions prior to the meeting via the below survey:
During the meeting, please use the Q&A box located in the Webex platform for questions or comments.
Please remember not to put your phone on hold while on the call.
Please remember to shut off your computer microphone and speakers if you are calling in by phone to avoid echo.
Please feel free to share this invitation with other EMS agency leadership.
We do ask that agency leadership then after the call share the information with their agency providers.
Please find downloadable documents:
- EMS Viral Pandemic Triage Protocol
- Patients Not Transported by EMS patient handout
This EMS protocol has been approved by the New York State Commissioner of Health and should be implemented in all regions.
Download EMS Viral Pandemic Triage Protocol (APPROVED FINAL 03.22.20)
Download Handout – Patients Not Transported By EMS (APPROVED FINAL 03.22.20)
Steven P. Dziura Jr.
Deputy Director
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma Systems
875 Central Avenue
Albany, New York 12206
New policy: 20-04 COVID-19 EMS Provider Exposure.
Please note: this policy is not yet reflected on the Bureau’s website but is expected to post shortly (link below).
Download 20-04 COVID19 EMS Provider Exposure 03.20.20 DOH FINAL
LINK to Bureau’s policy page:
The NYS Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems currently has 3 policy statements to aid in COVID preparedness/responses. The 3 policies are as follows:
- 20-02 COVID-19 EMS Practitioner Guidance
- 20-03 COVID-19 County Emergency Manager, County EMS Coordinator, and PSAP Guidance
- 20-05 COVID-19 Response to Respiratory Emergencies (just released)
These policies can change frequently. It is important to visit the Bureau’s policy page routinely to ensure you have the most up-to-date version of each policy.
We would like to clarify the notices we sent regarding today’s conference calls.
The call at 11AM is with Erie County Emergency Services regarding Erie County COVID-19 Operations
The call at 3PM is with the NYS Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems
The calls are not the same and EMS leaders have been invited to join both calls.
New York State COVID19 Emergency Medical Services Agency Leadership Update
Friday, Mar 20, 2020 3:00 pm | 1 hour
Phone: 518-549-0500
Meeting number: 611 461 030
Password: COVID19
This meeting is to update New York State EMS Agency leadership on the current events related to EMS and COVID19.
Due to the large number of participants expected, we are asking that callers please submit questions via the chat box located in the Webex platform.
If a caller is asked to “unmute” their phone to speak related to a question submitted, please use *6 to unmute your phone and then *6 again to put your back on mute.
Please remember not to put your phone on hold while on the call. Please remember to shut off your computer microphone and speakers if you are calling in by phone.
Please feel free to share this invitation with other EMS agency leadership.
We do ask that agency leadership then after the call share the information with their agency providers.
Join by phone
1-844-633-8697 US Toll Free
1-518-549-0500 Local
Access code: 611 461 030
Erie County EMS Leadership Conference Call
Friday, March 20, 2020 at 11AM
Phone #: 1-866-742-8060
Meeting Code: 8507436
This conference call has been initiated for the purpose of updating all EMS agency leadership on the current COVID – 19 Operations within the County of Erie. The target audience will be EMS leadership, healthcare systems representatives, NYS DOH representatives and local incident command staff.
Message below is from Dr. Michael O’Brien, Chairman – Western Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee
Due to the ongoing threats posed by the novel coronavirus and in an effort to maintain social distancing, the WREMAC meeting for today will be held online only via WebEx. There will be no in-person meeting at Twin City Ambulance. The online meeting will begin at 1:00 PM, as originally scheduled.
Call information is:
+1-312-535-8110 United States Toll (Chicago)
Access Code/Meeting ID: 733 403 714