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Michael Shaw

Vital Signs 2023

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Greetings!  Wanted to pass this link and message along from Valarie Ozga regarding the 2023 Vital Signs Conference!

Dear Colleagues and Friends:


Its hard to believe that 2023 is upon us and we are gearing up for the Vital Signs Conference already.  This year’s conference is going to be held in Syracuse, NY from October 19-22.  I’m happy to say that I have opened the Call for Presenters and we are looking for talent and expertise to join us in 2023.


The link for the submission is below.

Home – Vital Signs Call for Presenters 2023 (


You can also access the link on our website at

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions and please share the link and our website with your colleagues and friends.


Valerie Ozga

EMS Conference Coordinator

NYS EMS Conference Vital Signs


2023 Vital Signs EMS Conference

October 19-22, 2023


Syracuse, NY

Big Lakes Mtg Cancelled and Postponed

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With the winter weather advisories and anticipated slippery conditions  Big Lakes Regional EMS Council Chair Andy Knoell made the decision to cancel tonight’s meeting and postpone the meeting until Feb 15, 2023 at 1900 hours.  The location will be the same.

Catholic Health SIM Training

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Hey everyone , please check out and consider taking part in this Mobile Sim training offered by Catholic Health in Cambria. Please see below for details!