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Michael Shaw

Big Lakes Regional EMS Council Awards Submissions 2024

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On behalf of the Awards Commitee Chairperson of the Big Lakes Regional EMS Council; we are excited to announce the committee is now accepting awards nominations.  The committee had a fantastic response last year, let’s do it again!  The link below will take you to the flyer from the committee.  All awards nominations are due by March 31, 2024.


Thank you and stay safe!

Orchard Park Training Correction!

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*********Correct Flyer is attached on this one**************



Orchard Park Fire District EMS will be hosting two sessions of “Advanced Cardiac Resuscitation  Implementation Program”.  This opportunity is in conjunction with Zoll.  Please see the link below for more details.  YOU MUST sign up electronically using the QR Code or clicking the link in the flyer



Patient Follow Up – Catholic Health

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Please see the link below for a flyer with a link and QR code from Catholic Health regarding EMS requests for patient follow ups.   Please use the QR Code or Link on the flyer for any future requests going forward from any Catholic Health facility.  As always, should you have any questions please either reach out to their liaison team.  Thank you; have a safe and enjoyable holiday season!

