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Rob McCartin

Catholic Health and EMS Week

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Greetings Everyone,

With EMS week merely days away, Catholic Health wanted us to remind everyone about their events that they are hosting for all of you. Please see the attached schedule and share with your fellow EMS providers.

CME Opportunity at Wrights Corners

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Greetings Everyone,

Bryan Goethe will be conducting a CME opportunity on EtCO2 at Wrights Corners Fire Department, June 27th, 2023 at 1900hrs. For those that are interested, please download the flyer and follow the registration instructions.

Urgent – ECMC phone system downtime

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Greetings Everyone,

Urgent Message from ECMC:

ECMC will experience a phone system downtime on April 26, 2023 from 0001-0500hrs. During this time, the ECMC campus will not be able to receive any incoming phone calls. We have a contingency to use cell phones for Trauma Activation and On-Line Medical Control.

During this time we ask EMS providers call the following temporary cell phone number for On-Line Medical Control and Trauma Activation:

(716) 238-6928

Thank you!

Angela Payne MSN RN

Unit Manager

Erie County Medical Center

Training Announcement: Pediatric Disaster Mental Health: Essential Elements for Healthcare Providers

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Greetings Everyone,

A training opportunity from the Bureau and the EMS-C:

Children comprise almost 25% of the U.S. population and are the most vulnerable to mental and behavioral health problems during disasters. The events of September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina, COVID-19 and many others have had significant deleterious effects on the pediatric population in the United States. The challenges children face in wake of these disasters reaches into schools, healthcare facilities, families and communities. There is a great need to effectively prepare for, respond to and mitigate against future pediatric disaster mental health catastrophic events.

The NYC Pediatric Disaster Coalition will be conducting a webinar on Wednesday, May 31rd from 12:00pm – 2:00pm (Eastern Time):

Pediatric Disaster Mental Health: Essential Elements for Healthcare Providers

The presentation will focus on:
• Information/resources on pediatric disaster mental health for providers, teachers, parents, and pediatric patients
• Psychological first aid for pediatric populations
• Screening and referral for pediatric disaster mental health issues

The featured speakers are nationally recognized as leaders in the field of Pediatric Disaster Mental and Behavioral Health:

Merritt D. Schreiber, Ph.D.
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Department of Pediatrics
Lundquist Institute
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center|
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Tona McGuire, Ph.D.
Co-Lead WRAPEM Mental Health Workgroup
Mental Health Domain SME, Pediatric Pandemic Network
Co-Lead, Behavioral Health Strike Team, WA State Dept of Health

Please make every effort to attend. You are welcome and encouraged to share this email invitation with your healthcare colleagues.

The registration link is below. Upon registering you will receive an email conformation with the Zoom link and call-in.

Registration link:

Feel free to reach out with any questions. Thank you for your dedication to the children of the city of New York.


John Jermyn
Project Director
New York City Pediatric Disaster Coalition

Michael Frogel, MD, FAAP
Co-Principal Investigator, New York City Pediatric Disaster Coalition
Chairman, National Pediatric Disaster Coalition

Road Closure

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Greetings Everyone,

I wanted to let everyone know that the 33 outbound (from Best Street to the 198) will be closed M-F from 10p to 6a. This will occur from now until June 16th, 2023. Please keep this in mind when leaving the downtown area.



EMS Leadership Development Opportunity

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Greetings Everyone,

Attached is a flyer and the registration link to a EMS Leadership course being offered in Glen Falls. If interested please click on the corresponding link.

ECMC ER Backup

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Greetings Everyone,

Just to let everyone know, I have been informed that the ER at ECMC is starting to back up. They are not on diversion at this time, but if you transport to ECMC today, expect delays.


2023 Trauma REACH Virtual Seminar

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Greetings Everyone,

Attached is the information on a 2 half day virtual seminar for Trauma related courses. If interested please sign up. –