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Rob McCartin

NYS EMS Monkey Pox | ePCR Documentation Update

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Greetings Everyone,

Attached is a message from the Bureau:

On Thursday July 28, 2022, New York State Commissioner of Health Dr. Mary T. Bassett declared monkeypox as an Imminent Threat to Public Health in New York State . With this declaration, NYS BEMS DI has activated the monkeypox ICD-10 value of B04 for Primary Impression (eSituation.11), Secondary Impression (eSituation.12), and Medical/Surgical History (eHistory.08) in order to allow EMS providers to document encounters with patients who have confirmed or suspected monkeypox. All providers should use this code when transporting a patient with reported or suspected Monkey Pox and the wearing of PPE on this response through the fields on eOther.03, eOther.04, eOther.05 and eOther.06.

NYS is urging all ePCR Software Vendors and Agencies to activate this ICD-10 value in their ePCR systems in order to allow for accurate documentation of these encounters and notifying their EMS agency clients of the proper procedure to complete the documentation.

If you have any questions on this please reach out to and a member of the DI team will reply back to you.

Thank you!

Peter L. Brodie, BS, AEMT
Deputy Chief, Data and Informatics Unit
EMS Data Manager
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

EMS Innovation Awards

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Greetings Everyone,

From the State DOH:

Dear Colleagues:

I have received some emails about the link for the Innovation Awards.  I am enclosing another link which seems to be working better.  I know the deadline has passed, but I am extending the deadline to August 15, 2022.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

New York State EMS Innovation Awards

Progressive ideas and forwarding thinking agencies have inspired change that has created system sustainability, recruitment, retention, alternative education models and so much more.  EMS Agencies, REMSCOs, REMACs, Program Agencies and Course Sponsors over the past year have been implementing innovation throughout New York State achieving positive results and advancing the field of Emergency Medical Services. If you are an agency or know an agency that has solved a problem/gap using innovation, consider self-nomination or nomination of an agency to be one of the EMS Innovation Award recipients.

Innovation Award Categories:

  1. Organizational Change Innovations: Innovations in system designs, agency sustainability, and facilitating organizational change.
  2. Clinical Delivery Innovations: Innovations in clinical practices that are leading to positive patient outcomes and/or positive patient experiences.
  3. Recruitment and Retention Innovations: Innovations in recruitment, onboarding, longevity, staff experience and/or staff satisfaction leading to gaining and retaining staff.
  4. Educational Innovations: Innovations in education delivery models, student experience and/or community involvement.

Valerie Ozga

EMS Conference Coordinator

NYS EMS Conference Vital Signs

New Office Location

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Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday we officially moved our office location from ECMC to the UB Gateway Complex which is where our corporate offices are located. I wanted to update everyone and provide all of you with our new address and contact information. If you need to mail anything you should now send it to:

UB Emergency Medicine EMS

77 Goodell St. Suite 420

Buffalo, NY. 14203

If you need to contact us via phone or send something via fax that would be:

716-829-5500 (Office)

716-645-9701 (Fax)

Please make note of this. All mobile device numbers and emails remain unchanged.


East Shelby EMT Course

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Attached is a flyer regarding an EMT Course being held at the East Shelby Fire company. If interested please reach out to Sue.

Substance Use Disorder/ Mental Health Course – Erie County

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Greetings Everyone,

Attached is a flyer on an upcoming course for Substance Use Disorder/Mental Health that will be held at the Erie County Training Center in Cheektowaga. The class is scheduled for Aug 30th and will run from 8-5. This will be presented by the State and registration is required. Please make sure to register early as there are only 30 seats available (link is located on the flyer)


Pediatric Disaster Science Symposium

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Greetings Everyone,

See below from EMS-C

Pediatric Disaster Science Symposium


Date: August 1-2, 2022, online

The Action Collaborative on Disaster Research (ACDR) is associated with the Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Disasters and Emergencies of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The ACDR will convene a free, virtual symposium of government, academic, clinical and community stakeholders, and subject matter experts to scope perspectives, information, and scientific needs related to disasters affecting child populations. Meeting discussions will support high-level prioritization of pediatric disaster science foci and opportunities for alignment and synergy of scientific efforts to collective and effectively advance pediatric disaster science; as well as set the stage for capacity building around evidence-based practices and scientific discovery to improve outcomes of children.

When: August 1, 2022 (8:30 AM – 4:30 PM ET) and August 2, 2022 (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM)

Where: Public participation for this symposium is virtual and free.

More information and registration can be found here:

Please share with your networks and agencies!

Stay safe and be well,


Amy Eisenhauer

EMS for Children Program Coordinator

EMS Liaison to Coverdell Stroke Program

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems


Virtual Training Program: On the Front Lines of the Overdose Crisis: A Training for First Responders

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Greetings Everyone,

See Attached:

Catskill Hudson AHEC is a non-profit organization with a mission to improve access to quality healthcare in the 11-county region we serve. We wanted to share information for an upcoming (free and virtual!) training that we are offering as part of our Opioid Response Program. On the Front Lines of the Overdose Crisis: A Training for First Responders will take place on Thursday, July 28th from 12-1pm via Zoom.

We have exciting speakers lined up from PAARI and Plymouth County Outreach as well as Fire Chief Will Mueller. They will be discussing the importance of peer support, non-arrest pathways to treatment, and address myths related to the overdose crisis.

I attached a flyer with the registration link embedded but the link can also be found here. Please email me at with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Thank you,

Kayleigh Madormo

Opioid Response Program Coordinator

Catskill Hudson Area Health Education Center
60 Park Lane, Suite 1
Highland, NY 12528
(845) 883-7260

Peter L. Brodie, BS, AEMT

Deputy Chief, Data and Informatics Unit

EMS Data Manager

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

Virtual Narcan Training Opportunity

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Greetings Everyone,

WNY Rural Area Health Education Center and Spectrum Health and Human Services have partnered together to bring you a Virtual Narcan Training Opportunity on July 25th. If interested please refer to the flyer.