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Rob McCartin

Bureau of EMS Policies

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Greetings Everyone,

The Bureau has posted 3 new policies on their website that both agencies/providers and educators should look at. The 3 policies are:

Click on the link below to open the policy page.


WCCH Diversion

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Good Evening Everyone,

I was informed that WCCH has been placed on diversion at this time. I will advise as soon as they come off. Plan accordingly.

NYS Sponsored EMT course

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Greetings Everyone,

NYS has created an initiative to challenge the course sponsors to offer and host a “Boot camp” style EMT course to help ease the burden with staffing. Attached is the course offering being provided by Erie County EMS for this specific course. Please note, there is no cost to any student, whether with or without an agency. If interested please reach out to Erie Co EMS.

Website Changes

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Good Evening Everyone,

I wanted to let you know that we have made some adjustments to the web page based on changes that have occurred over the last 2 years. Currently, those changes specifically have been to the “Officer Resource” tab and the “Protocol” tab. As we move forward I am sure we will have more adjustments. These are some of the adjustments made:

  1. Cleaned up the “Common Forms”
  2. Added the appropriately approved “Semi-Annual Report form” under “Controlled Substances” for those ALS level agencies.
  3. A substantial overhaul to the “Patient Care Report” tab to be more inline with the current requirements.
  4. Added a new “CME” tab for all CME related materials including instructions and the link to the new submission portal.
  5. Lastly, under “Protocols” we cleaned up the information and brought it more current so that providers have the latest and greatest.

These are just a few of the things we have accomplished in the last few months. Also, as most of the agencies have done elections, I am sure there have been some changes. Please make sure to go into the portal and update as needed. We have also added a new section in the portal to add the “ePCR coordinator” and their information. So as you update, feel free to add that information into the portal.

Thanks everyone and feel free to check it out.

MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT: Medical Standards Committee | State Emergency Medical Advisory Committee | State Emergency Medical Services Council | January 2022

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Greetings Everyone,

See attached message from the State DOH:

The State Emergency Medical Services Council, the State Emergency Medical Advisory Committee and the Medical Standards Committee are planning to virtually meet on the following schedule:

08:00 at 11:00           Medical Standards Committee

Event Password:  SEMSCO2022

12:00 at 14:00           State Emergency Medical Advisory Committee

Event Password:  SEMSCO2022

15:00 at 17:00           State Emergency Medical Services Council

Event Password:  SEMSCO2022

Any individual wishing to attend one or more of these meetings, may register for each meeting separately via the SEMAC | SEMSCO Program Page:

When the agendas for each meeting are approved, they will be posted on the DOH webpage at and the meeting will also be announced at

Thank you for your ongoing support of the EMS system in New York State.

Stay safe!


Peter L. Brodie, BS, AEMT

Deputy Chief, Data and Informatics Unit

EMS Data Manager

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

Hospital Diversion

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Greetings Everyone,

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Attached is a hospital diversion for Brooks. Please keep this in mind when making transport decisions.

CME submissions to the State DOH

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Greetings Everyone,

I have been approached by several agencies now informing me that the state is no longer accepting CME recertifications via mail. This is not entirely true. The Bureau has created a portal for the submission of CME recertification which can ease the burden of gather all the paperwork, getting it to the post office and sending it certified mail to the state. However, if you are still doing this then that is okay for now. You should know that the state will be moving to the portal only sometime in the future, however that date has not been determined yet.

If you should choose to use the portal, do know that when you submit your providers CME applications it will send back a confirmation email showing the submission. I would advise keeping this for your records in case something happens and you need to show verification of the submission. At this point in time, you may still continue to submit via mail or through the portal, but begin making the transition to the portal in the near future.

I have attached the CME portal instructions which includes the link to the portal itself for submitting your applications. This will also become available in the near future on the website under the “Officer Resources” page as I am working to get the content under that tab updated. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out and I will do my best to help you as I can. Thanks everyone and have a happy and safe holiday.