Greetings Everyone,
A message from NYS DOH BEMS:
Ambulance Agency Leaders:
The Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit asks that your ambulance agency respond to the survey link below.
This survey is seeking interest from your agency to respond as part deployment that has a primary mission focused on load balancing health care facilities; where patients may be transported between facilities throughout New York State. The survey is a quick set of questions for the purpose of polling the ambulance agencies across NYS to determine which agencies may be interested in entering into a contract for service with the NYS DOH BEMSATS.
December 2021 EMS Mobilization Contract Polling Survey (Statewide)
Even if your agency is not interested in entering into a contract we ask that you please answer the survey. Responses must be in by 6:00 AM Thursday, December 2, 2021.
NYS DOH BEMSATS thanks you and your agency for taking the time to complete the survey.
Greetings Everyone,
A message from Catholic Health:
Catholic Health has reinstituted visitor restrictions so we are asking our EMS partners not to bring riders to the ED’s with their patient transports.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, thank you.
Emily James (Rowles) BS, EMT – P, NYSCIC
Lead EMS Liaison, Catholic Health
(716) 812 – 4275
Greetings Everyone,
For those of you that were planning on attending the training at Seneca EMS on December 13th, 2021, please take note that the class is being postponed at this time. A new date will be determined later
See the message below from the State DOH:
EMS Agency Leaders,
Please take a few minutes to answer the survey link below. The survey is a quick set of questions for the purpose of polling the EMS agencies across NYS to determine which agencies may be interested in entering into a contract for service with the NYS DOH BEMSATS. Even if your agency is not interested in entering into a contract we ask that you please answer the survey. We ask that you respond by 5pm on 11/27/2021 as current mission assignments begin on 12/01/2021.
Nov 2021 EMS Mobilization Contract Polling Survey – Queensbury Testing | Survey Builder (
Thank you in advance.
Donald Trzepacz Jr.
District Chief / Investigator
Emergency Preparedness and Response
ECMC will experience a phone system downtime on November 19, 2021 from 02:00hrs-02:15hrs. During this time the ECMC campus will not be able to receive any incoming phone calls. We have a contingency to use cell phones for Trauma Activation and On-Line Medical Control.
During this time we ask EMS providers call the following temporary cell phone number for On-Line Medical Control and Trauma Activation: (716) 238-6928