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Rob McCartin

UBMD Portal

By Alerts, Credentialing

Greetings Everyone,

Last night, our portal developer made some changes to the System that ultimately took some providers “offline”. Fortunately, this was not a very big list of providers, which is exciting to know we are following the WREMAC guidance. I realize that this might be a frustration for some of the providers or agency leadership to have to deal with this change that has occurred, but unfortunately over the years we have put to many bandaids on the system so it was no longer functioning correctly. Last night was a correction of those issues and I wanted to take a moment to explain a few things as we move forward with these changes. Going forward, if a provider does not complete their skills by the deadline of June 30th, it will automatically change your status. To prevent this from happening, please make sure that we are all completing the necessary skills by the due date annually.

One of the other changes that is going to occur sometime in the near future is we are changing the “Online / Offline” to “Compliant / Non-Compliant”. This is more reflective of what is actually occurring in regards to the WREMAC policies and contains a softer tone to providers status. While I do realize some of you find that the portal is pointless and an inconvenience, I do want to say that it does serve a needed purpose. Both the REMSCOs and Program agency are required to collect a a lot of the information that is contained in the portal. It also allows us to track certain expiration dates on your behalf to ensure that your agencies remain compliant with NYS.

Please be patient as we move through these changes. In regards to the recent status change, if you were moved to “offline” please get with your agency and work to correct the deficiencies. It is worth noting that unless you were specifically told by your Medical Director that you are offline, or your Provider card or CPR card is expired, you should not consider yourself “offline” because the portal said so. We understand there is going to be an adjustment period that we need to work through on this and with the changes we are not looking to shake things up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your agency or us and we can see what we can do to answer those for you.



By Uncategorized

Greetings Everyone,

A message from the State DOH:

Please find the attached Health Advisory regarding the EMS Supply Chain Disruption and Conservation Strategies Following the Closure of the Baxter Plant.

Meeting with Pulsara – UPDATE

By Events

Greetings Everyone,

Just to let everyone know, the Pulsara meeting that was scheduled tonight at Tri Community has been cancelled due to low enrollment. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Greetings Everyone,
Pulsara is having an informational meeting on Oct 7th at Tri Community. If interested please register with Emily at Catholic Health.


By Alerts

Greetings Everyone,

A message from Catholic Health:

Mount St. Mary’s Hospital Emergency Room Ramp Stating October 3, 2024 Mount Saint Mary’s Hospital will have a temporary CT trailer parked in the Emergency Ambulance ramp. The trailer will remain in the ramp while we replace our CT machine. We do not have a timeframe for how long this project will last. Ambulances will still be able to access the ER entrance; however, parking will be limited in the ramp. Please see the attached picture. We are asking ambulances to unload their patient, and then move ambulances to the parking area at the bottom of the ramp. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our EMS Liaison Team: Amanda Ohlson (716) 807–4721 Robert Orlowski (716) 330–8482 Scott Then (716) 868–3673 Emily James (716) 812–4275

Erie County EMS Clinical Coordinator Job Posting

By EMS Jobs

Greetings Everyone:

A message from Erie County:

Erie County EMS is looking to hire 2 Clinical Coordinators to assist with their EMS education programs. Please see the posting attached to learn more about the position and where to apply. All candidates must be a CLI or CIC. Accepting applications until October 14th, 2024.

AMR’s Earn While You Learn Program

By EMS Jobs, Training

Greetings Everyone,

AMR has posted information regarding their up and coming EWYL program. If you or someone you know is interested, please download the attachment and follow the directions.

Vitals Signs EMS Games

By Alerts

Greetings Everyone,

I have been informed that there are still openings for the Vital Signs EMS Games. If you think that you are interested, please download the attachment and follow directions on registering. The attachment also includes more information on the games.

Erie County EMS Speaker Series

By Training

Greetings Everyone,

Please see the attached flyer regarding Mental Health Training hosted by Erie County. For more information, please download the flyer and register with them.

Mercy Flight Virtual CME Series

By Training

NYS NEMSIS 3.5 Educational Snip #2024-008

By NEMSIS Educational Snip, Training


See this weeks NEMSIS Educational Snip:

The Data and Informatics (DI) Unit at the Bureau of EMS & Trauma Systems is sending weekly Educational Snips highlighting various NEMSIS fields. Our goal is to help providers reduce documentation errors and warnings requiring adjustment throughout documentation. Each Educational Snip will start with a question, an outline of various fields, and elements (answers) within those fields. We are providing the NEMSIS named elements; the ePCR software used by your EMS agency might look different, and you should have custom values selected by the Department of Health available to you. If you have questions about specific documentation scenarios or if you would like clarification on particular data elements, please reach out to your organization’s leadership, Regional Program Agencies, or the DI Unit.   


EMS agencies credentialed by New York State are now submitting ePCRs that adhere to the National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) 3.5 documentation standard. NEMSIS establishes a minimum documentation standard that requires fields that must be completed on an ePCR and NYS further defines these requirements to meet minimal additional requirements. Standardized documentation improves quality documentation. Measuring provider effectiveness, system efficiency, and patient outcomes is paramount to the success of EMS organizations across New York State.  


The DI Unit is holding monthly NEMSIS 3.5 ePCR briefings via Webex. In these briefings, issues that EMS agencies commonly face regarding patient care documentation will be addressed. EMS providers will have the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns about 3.5 submission criteria they wish. Feedback from these briefings is vital for their ongoing success. If you are an EMS provider, an EMS leader, an EMS medical director, or a software vendor who attends these meetings, please fill out a survey through this link, under the ‘Data’ section of the page.  


Q: How has documentation of procedures (eProcedures) changed under NEMSIS 3.5? 

Many response elements were changed across procedure fields. 

Note: all fields are named by NEMSIS with the Field Name (Field Identifier) (e.g. EMS Agency Number (eResponse.01))  


Date/Time Procedure Performed (eProcedures.01, validation rule BLSFR 2582/ALSFR & Ambulance 2583) 

When a procedure is performed, this field is required by NYS. It triggers additional required fields listed below.  


Procedure Performed Prior to this Unit’s EMS Care (eProcedures.02, ALSFR & Ambulance 2585) 

This field is recommended by NYS. Response elements include “yes” and “no”. The date and time of the procedure cannot be prior to arrival at the patient unless this is answered “yes”.  


Procedure (eProcedures.03, BLSFR 2586/ALSFR & Ambulance 2587) 

This field is required by NYS when Date/Time Procedure Performed is documented. To view the entire list of procedures, visit New York – NEMSIS and download the data dictionary excel file.  


Number of Procedure Attempts (eProcedures.05, BLSFR 2588/ALSFR & Ambulance 2589) 

This field is required by NYS when procedures are performed by crew members of unit caring for patient. This field numbers between 1 through 10.  


Procedure Successful (eProcedures.06, BLSFR 1238/ALSFR & Ambulance 1239) 

This field is required by NYS when a procedure is attempted on the patient. The response options for this field are “Yes” and “No”. 


Procedure Complication (eProcedures.07, BLSFR 2592/ALSFR & Ambulance 2593) 

This field is recommended (especially for ALS/Transporting units) by NYS when procedures are performed by crew members of unit caring for patient. Response values are listed below. Note, if there is no complication one should respond “none” instead of using a not value like “not applicable”.  

·       Altered Mental Status 

·       Apnea 

·       Bleeding 

·       Bradypnea 

·       Diarrhea 

·       Esophageal Intubation-immediately 

·       Esophageal Intubation-other 

·       Extravasation 

·       Hypertension  

·       Hyperthermia 

·       Hypotension 

·       Hypothermia 

·       Hypoxia 

·       Injury 

·       Nausea 

·       None 

·       Other 

·       Respiratory Distress 

·       Tachycardia 

·       Vomiting 

·       Bradycardia 

·       Itching 

·       Urticaria 


Response to Procedure (eProcedures.08, BLSFR 2594/ALSFR & Ambulance 2595) 

This field is recommended (especially for ALS/Transporting units) by NYS when procedures are performed by crew members of unit caring for patient. Response elements include “Improved”, “Unchanged”, and “Worse”.  


Procedure Authorization (eProcedures.11, BLSFR 2596/ALSFR & Ambulance 2597) 

This field is required by NYS. Response elements listed below.  

·       On-Line (Remote Verbal Order) 

·       On-Scene 

·       Protocol (Standing Order) 

·       Written Orders (Patient Specific) 


Procedure Authorizing Physician (eProcedures.12, BLSFR 2598/ALSFR & Ambulance 2599) 
This field is required by NYS when a procedure was authorized outside of standing orders. It is a free text field.  


Vascular Access Location (eProcedures.13, ALSFR & Ambulance 2620) 

This field is recommended by NYS when vascular access is obtained. It is now associated with the date and time of the procedure and allows documentation for each attempt at vascular access. EMS professionals can also document when a patient received vascular access prior to arrival of EMS. Options have been added to this field. All elements are listed below.  

·       Antecubital Left 

·       Antecubital-Right 

·       External Jugular-Left 

·       External Jugular-Right 

·       Femoral Left IV 

·       Femoral-Right IV 

·       Foot-Right 

·       Foot-Left 

·       Forearm-Left 

·       Forearm-Right 

·       Hand-Left 

·       Hand-Right 

·       Internal Jugular-Left 

·       Internal Jugular-Right 

·       IO-Iliac Crest-Left 

·       IO-Iliac Crest-Right 

·       IO-Femoral-Left Distal 

·       IO-Femoral-Right Distal 

·       IO-Humeral-Left 

·       IO-Humeral-Right 

·       IO-Tibia-Left Distal 

·       IO-Sternum 

·       IO-Tibia-Right Distal 

·       IO-Tibia-Left Proximal 

·       IO-Tibia-Right Proximal 

·       Lower Extremity-Left 

·       Lower Extremity-Right 

·       Other Peripheral 

·       Other Central (PICC, Portacath, etc.) 

·       Scalp 

·       Subclavian Left 

·       Subclavian-Right 

·       Umbilical 

·       Venous Cutdown-Left Lower Extremity 

·       Venous Cutdown-Right Lower Extremity 

·       Upper Arm-Left 

·       Upper Arm-Right 

·       Radial-Left 

·       Radial-Right 

·       Wrist-Left