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Rob McCartin

MHOB Awards Nomination – Final Reminder

By Alerts

Greetings Everyone,

Attached is the notice and nomination form for selection of EMS awards through Catholic Health. If you know of someone that should be nominated, please fill out and return to Catholic Health for consideration. Thanks

Meeting with Pulsara – UPDATE

By Events
Greetings Everyone,

Just to let everyone know, the Pulsara meeting that was scheduled tonight at Tri Community has been cancelled due to low enrollment. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Greetings Everyone,
Pulsara is having an informational meeting on Oct 7th at Tri Community. If interested please register with Emily at Catholic Health.

Unlock Your EMS Leadership Potential—At No Cost to You or your agency!

By Training

Greetings Everyone,

Here is a great opportunity from our partners to the south of us:

Attention All NYS EMS Agencies:

Do you know an EMS provider aspiring to become a leader in your field? Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and pave the way for a successful future. We are excited to open this opportunity to all NYS EMS agencies and strongly encourage you to send EMS providers who aspire to become leaders in their field. Thanks to a grant received by Southern Tier Health Care System, participation in this program is free of charge to all who wish to attend.

Do you know an EMS provider aspiring to become a leader in your field? Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and pave the way for a successful future.

Join us for “Stepping Into EMS Leadership”, an immersive virtual training experience tailored specifically for EMS providers. Led by Lisa Giruzzi and Robbie MacCue, FP-C, MBA, co-founders of the EMS Leadership Academy, this program is designed to develop and strengthen a diverse network of collaborative leaders within organizations and systems serving as EMS leaders.

Why Attend “Stepping Into EMS Leadership”?

Gain a competitive edge: Equip yourself with the necessary skills to stand out as a future leader in the EMS industry.
Interactive virtual training: Engage in immersive activities and discussions to foster practical learning.
Network with like-minded professionals: Connect with fellow EMS providers who share your aspirations and build valuable relationships.

Key Topics Covered:

The Foundation for Becoming an Effective Leader
The Foundation for Being the Leader People Want to Follow
Expanding Leadership Capacity

All Sessions Virtual : 6-8pm

Week #1: Monday, Oct 7 and Thursday, Oct 10
Week #2: Tuesday, Oct 15 and Thursday, Oct 17
Week #3: Monday, Oct 28 and Wednesday, Oct 30

Follow-up Sessions for Continued Support and Development:
November 7: 6:00 p.m.
December 5: 6:00 p.m.
January 9: 6:00 p.m.
February 6: 6:00 p.m.
March 6: 6:00 p.m.
April 3: 6:00 p.m.

Register today at:

Trauma Talk Newsletter

By Uncategorized

Greetings Everyone,

The RTAC (Regional Trauma Advisory Committee) has released its first every Trauma Talk Newsletter. Please check this out for important information from the trauma side of EMS.

Kenmore Entrance 2 Closure Tomorrow

By Alerts

Greetings Everyone,

We were just informed that the Entrance 2 at Kenmore Mercy will be closed tomorrow. Please see the attached document.

NYS CIU Course Posting – Erie County

By Training

Greetings Everyone,

Please see the below message:

Erie County EMS is hosting a CIU course on October 23rd, 2024 from 18:30 to 21:30 at their Amherst Campus. The course is free to attend. Sign up for this course at . You must sign up in order to attend this course. See agenda attached.

ET3 Survey: Prehospital Provider Perspective of the ET3 Initiative

By Uncategorized

Greetings Everyone,

Please see the below message regarding a quick survey on ET3:

Dear NYS EMTs and Paramedics,

Researchers at Mount Sinai are investigating prehospital provider experiences related to treat-in-place, alternative destination transports, and the recent CMS ET3 initiative. We ask agency leaders to please share with EMTs and Paramedics. Please consider completing the below anonymous survey to provide your feedback. The survey is designed to take less than 3 minutes. Any questions can be directed to

Please click here to complete the survey.

Thank you,

Luis Castillo, EMTP and Samuel Sondheim, MD MBA

NYS NEMSIS 3.5 Educational Snip #2024-007 | Leadership & Other Stakeholders

By NEMSIS Educational Snip, Training

Greetings Everyone,

Please see this weeks NEMSIS mini-education snapshot:

NYS NEMSIS 3.5.0 | Educational Snip #2024-007

The Data and Informatics (DI) Unit at the Bureau of EMS & Trauma Systems is sending weekly Educational Snips highlighting various NEMSIS fields. Our goal is to help providers reduce documentation errors and warnings requiring adjustment throughout documentation. Each Educational Snip will start with a question, an outline of various fields, and elements (answers) within those fields. We are providing the NEMSIS named elements; the ePCR software used by your EMS agency might look different, and you should have custom values selected by the Department of Health available to you. If you have questions about specific documentation scenarios or if you would like clarification on particular data elements, please reach out to your organization’s leadership, Regional Program Agencies, or the DI Unit.

EMS agencies credentialed by New York State are now submitting ePCRs that adhere to the National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) 3.5 documentation standard. NEMSIS establishes a minimum documentation standard that requires fields that must be completed on an ePCR and NYS further defines these requirements to meet minimal additional requirements. Standardized documentation improves quality documentation. Measuring provider effectiveness, system efficiency, and patient outcomes is paramount to the success of EMS organizations across New York State.

The DI Unit is holding monthly NEMSIS 3.5 ePCR briefings via Webex. In these briefings, issues that EMS agencies commonly face regarding patient care documentation will be addressed. EMS providers will have the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns about 3.5 submission criteria they wish. Feedback from these briefings is vital for their ongoing success. If you are an EMS provider, an EMS leader, an EMS medical director, or a software vendor who attends these meetings, please fill out a survey through this link, under the ‘Data and Informatics’ section of the page.

Q: How has documentation of eSituation fields changed from NEMSIS 3.4 to NEMSIS 3.5?

6 elements were changed from NEMSIS 3.4 to NEMSIS 3.5. 5 of the elements are Required in New York State and 1 is a Recommended element.

Note: all fields are named by NEMSIS with the Field Name (Field Identifier) (e.g. EMS Agency Number (eResponse.01))

Date/Time of Symptom Onset (eSituation.01, validation rule 1365)

This is a required field in NYS and must be documented for each symptom recorded. In NEMSIS 3.5, new values were added to this field for Pertinent Negatives: ‘Unable to Complete’ and ‘Approximate’. The format of the date is as follows: mm/dd/yyyy. The format of the time is as follows: hh:mm:ss.

Initial Patient Acuity (eSituation.13, validation rule 1377)

This is a required field in NYS. A new value was added to this field. The list of values for this field is shown below:

  • Critical (Red)
  • Emergent (Yellow)
  • Lower Acuity (Green)
  • Dead Without Resuscitation Efforts (Black)
  • Non-Acute/Routine

Date/Time Last Known Well (eSituation.18, validation rule 1378)

This is a required field in NYS when primary impression is CVA, which stands for Cerebral Vascular Accident, or TIA, which stands for Transient Ischemic Attack. In NEMSIS 3.5, a new Pertinent Negative was added: Unable to Complete

Justification for Transfer or Encounter (eSituation.19)

This field is recommended in NYS. It is a new element released with NEMSIS 3.5. This should only be documented when Type of Service Requested (eResponse.05) is Hospital-to-Hospital Transfer, Hospital-to-Hospital Transfer (with Sending Hospital Staff), Hospital-to-Hospital Transfer (Critical or Specialty Care), Other Medical Needs Transport, or Mobile Integrated Health Care Evaluation or Visit.


Reason for Interfacility Transfer/Medical Transport (eSituation.20)

This is a national field. There is no validation rule requiring it in NYS. New elements were added in NEMSIS 3.5. The full list is shown below:

  • Cardiac Specialty
  • Convenience Transfer (Patient Request)
  • Diagnostic Testing
  • Dialysis
  • Drug and/or Alcohol Rehabilitation Care
  • Extended Care
  • Maternal/Neonatal
  • Medical Specialty Care (Other, Not Listed)
  • Neurological Specialty Care
  • Palliative/Hospice Care (Home or Facility)
  • Pediatric Specialty Care
  • Psychiatric/Behavioral Care
  • Physical Rehabilitation Care
  • Return to Home/Residence
  • Surgical Specialty Care (Other, Not Listed)
  • Trauma/Orthopedic Specialty Care