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Challenging Documentation Scenario Requests

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A message from NYS BEMS Data and Informatics:

Attention EMS Agency Leaders | EMS Providers | Agency or Regional Medical Directors

The statewide Data and Informatics Team is currently completing the updated documentation standard and the Data Dictionary.  In preparation for this, and the  next two documentation standard updates (one final update on 3.4.0 and the following is the transition to 3.5.0), the team is asking that EMS agency leaders | EMS providers | Regional EMS Program Agencies | Regional and EMS Agency Medical Directors | Software Vendors to submit challenging documentation scenarios for consideration for the introduction of the Data Dictionary.

Please submit one scenario per submission at

This survey is open until Thursday, 19 May 2022 at close of day (23:59).

Thank you for your anticipated participation.


Peter L. Brodie, BS, AEMT

Deputy Chief, Data and Informatics Unit

EMS Data Manager

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

SEMSCO Sustainability TAG Survey

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Greetings Everyone,

The Sustainability Tag has asked me to share this with agencies and providers in the region. Please take a few moments to to complete this survey as it is important work. Thanks

SEMSCO Sustainability TAG Survey

This past November, the New York State Emergency Medical Services Council (SEMSCO) created a Sustainability Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to draft a white paper documenting the current challenges and potential solutions in EMS.

To best understand the issues faced by providers and agencies of all types, the TAG developed the below survey, and we need your help distributing it to as many agencies and providers as possible.

When complete, the TAG can then analyze the information from the survey to better present a ‘State of the State’ at SEMSCO this summer.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and responses will be recorded anonymously.

We will not collect or share any personally identifiable information. If, however, you would like to provide your contact details there is a separate section to do so.

If you have any questions about the Sustainability TAG or its sub-committees, or this survey, please contact Michael Benenati at or David Violante at

Thank you in advance for your time assisting us with this study and thank you for all that you do in EMS!


Survey Link:

NYS Bureau of EMS – EMS Week 2022 ~ Nominations for EMS Education Team/Instructor Recognition

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Thank You!  That is what the New York State Bureau of Emergency Medical Services would like to say to all our EMS Providers during EMS Week 2022.

EMS Week is just a few weeks away and we would like your help again this year recognizing those EMS providers who have gone above and beyond.

We are looking for your help to recognize outstanding NYS EMS Providers during EMS Week 2022 for the work they have done during this past year!

The Bureau, for the third year is offering EMS organizations the opportunity to directly nominate a team or provider to be recognized during EMS Week for their contributions to Emergency Medical Services.

Below is a submission form where EMS agencies can make a nomination.

EMS Week 2022 ~ Nominations for EMS Team / Provider Recognition | Survey Builder (

We have added a new option to upload a picture of the team or EMS provider.   Adding a photo is completely optional however a few award recipients may be selected for additional recognition by posting their story and photo on our social media.


  • ONE NOMINATION: One nomination is permitted per agency; however, the nomination can be an individual or a team (team being a department company, specific group, the agency, etc.)
  • GOOD STANDING: Nominated individuals or team members must be in good standing with the Department of Health
  • SUBMISSION BY: Submissions will be accepted from an EMS agency, Course Sponsor, County EMS Coordinator, REMSCO, REMAC or Program Agency (only one nomination is permitted per EMS organization)

NOMINATION INFORMATION (the info needed to complete the form):

  • AGENCY CONTACT INFO: Contact information for the agency and the agency leader
  • NOMINEE CONTACT INFO: the form does ask for contact information of the nominee or the primary point of contact for a team.  Please make sure you have an e-mail address.
  • CATAGORIES: We have selected the following categories:
    • Clinical Performance
    • Agency / Regional Leadership
    • Training and Education
    • Operations
    • Innovation and Teamwork
    • Other: If your agency feels there is a different reason, we gave you an “other” option to create a different category!
  • THREE HIGHLIGHTS: Think about three reasons (a few words or one sentence each) on why you feel they should be nominated.

Submission for nominations are NOW OPEN! 

EMS Week 2022 ~ Nominations for EMS Team / Provider Recognition | Survey Builder (

The nominations will remain open during EMS Week until we have met our maximum number, so we encourage agencies to submit early, but remember, you can only submit once.

Nominations should only take a few minutes to submit and can be done from a computer or smart phone device.

Thank you to every NYS EMS Provider, we really appreciate all the work you are doing every day and especially during these very challenging times.

Happy EMS Week!

Ryan Greenberg

Virtual Instructor Update Opportunity – Finger Lakes Region – Updated Link

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Greetings Everyone,

See below for a virtual instructor update opportunity being offered in the Finger Lakes Region. Please note that there is a $25 fee associated with this course.

The Finger Lakes Regional EMS Council will be hosting virtually a 3 hour NYS Instructor update class on Wednesday, June 1st from 18:00 – 21:00.

Please click the link to register and pay your $25 fee:

1800-1830 – DOH Training Updates

1830-1930 – Introducing the science of learning

  • Encoding, Retrieval, and memory
  • Hebbian learning and the process of creating linkages
  • Working memory and its limitations
  • Procedural learning and enabling long term memory

1930-1945 Break

1945 – 2100

  • Rethinking long-held educational assumptions
  • The importance of desired difficulty and retrieval
  • Integrating retrieval practice into lesson plans
  • The importance of spaced repetition
  • The importance of interleaving
  • Enhancing lessons with repetition and interleaving
  • Feedback driven metacognition
