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EMS Provider Expiration Dates Extended in the UBMD EMS Portal

By April 11, 2020No Comments

I am pleased to report that we implemented a system-wide update to the UBMD EMS Portal last evening.  This update extended everyone’s EMS certification date by 1 year to align with the recent extension by the NYS BEMST.  This will allow provider certification notifications to function in accordance with the user’s settings, given the new expiration date.  Further, the update minimizes conflicting information which could cause confusion regarding the extension.

Many have asked if they will be receiving a new certification card?  The most recent answer from the NYS BEMST is “yes” – eventually.  Please keep in mind there are over 60,000 certified EMS providers in NYS whose certification expiration date was extended.  It will take time to process this number of cards.

If anyone needs verification of certification for employment purposes, please have your prospective employer check your updated certification expiration date in the NYS Health Commerce System (HCS).


UBMD EMS Division