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Rob McCartin

ImageTrend User Educational Summit (Utica)

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NYS DOH BEMS is hosting a summit in Utica for anyone wishing to attend. Links to the agenda and area hotels are at the bottom of the email.

The Maynard Fire Department and Mid-State Regional Emergency Medical Services Council are pleased to sponsor and host this ImageTrend User Educational Summit from Tuesday, October 26 à 28, 2021 at the Maynard Fire Department.  This program will allow the many EMS agencies using ImageTrend as their ePCR platform to learn more about NEMSIS, the ImageTrend program, how to manage the platform for their EMS agency, utilize the Report Writer program and an introduction to the CQI program to help contribute to improving quality of care.

Users will benefit from the night sessions to practice many direct entry of many different scenarios and help improve data entry efficiency and quality of documentation.  Users can attend one or both of the night sessions to practice and ask questions about the program or the documentation standard.

Registration for both the EMS Agency Leadership NEMSIS and ImageTrend Training and the User Education and Practice Sessions are available at

The Bureau is committed to helping users and agency leadership advance their knowledge and capabilities within the platforms offered by the Department.

Stay safe!


Peter L. Brodie, BS, AEMT

Deputy Chief, Data and Informatics Unit

EMS Data Manager

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

OPEN SLOTS: Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition & Stabilization (PEARS) Courses

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There a few openings remaining for the Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition & Stabilization (PEARS) Courses. Please share this with your contacts.

October 12, 2021 – 9:00am – 3:30pm
Olcott Fire Company
1691 Lockport Olcott Road
Olcott, NY 14028
Register Here

October 19, 2021 – 9:00am – 3:30pm
Olean General Hospital
515 Main Street
Olean, NY 14760
Register Here

October 20, 2021 – 9:00am – 3:30pm
St. Joseph’s Hospital
555 St. Joseph’s Blvd.
Elmira, NY
Register Here

October 27, 2021 – 9:00am – 3:30pm
Upstate NY Life Support Training
1250 Scottsville Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Register Here

This course is set up for healthcare providers
who infrequently see critically ill children and
any healthcare provider who might encounter
pediatric patients. This course is not intended
for those credentialed for advanced pediatric
skills that routinely provide pediatric care.
Course Description:
PEARS teaches providers how to recognize
respiratory distress, shock and cardiac arrest,
and provide appropriate lifesaving
interventions within the initial minutes of
response until the child is transferred to an
advanced life support provider. The goal of
PEARS is to improve the quality of care
provided to seriously ill or injured infants and
children, resulting in improved outcomes.
-Improves competency in pediatric basic life
-Learning stations and practice reinforce
essential skills
-Course video allows students actually see and
hear critically ill children
-Enhances skills in recognizing shock,
respiratory failure and cardiopulmonary
Target Audience: PEARS is for
healthcare providers such as medical and
surgical nurses, school nurses, emergency
medical technicians (EMTs) and any other
healthcare provider who infrequently sees
critically ill infants and children.

Eileen Spezio
Sr. Administrative Assistant, Finger Lakes Regional Training Center
Assistant to Certification, Institute for Innovative Education
University of Rochester Medical Center
601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 709
Rochester, NY 14642
Phone: (585) 758-7640 Mon-Wed; (585) 276-8765 (Thur-Fri), Cell: (585-415-4948), Fax: (585) 756-5098

Executive Order

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As I have been asked by several people, I am including the Executive order that was signed. I am cautioning everyone again, direction needs to come from the State DOH BEMS on how this is going to impact us as EMS providers. I anticipate that direction in the near future, but we have not received anything yet.

Recent Executive Order

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Greetings Fellow Providers,

I wanted to take a moment and send out this message regarding the recently signed executive order by Gov. Hochul. Some of you may have decided to “read ahead” and evaluate the impact of the EO in relation to EMS. Since this order was signed early Tuesday morning I am sure the State DOH BEMS has been busy formulating a plan of action to communicate implementation of items related to EMS in the EO. Unfortunately, when we find ourselves in a holding pattern like this, we tend to see and increase in rumors, speculation, and sometimes misinformation as a result. I urge everyone to be patient as I am confident that in the very near future we will receive guidance from the Bureau on the EO and its impact to EMS.

As always, if you have any questions you are welcome to contact this office and speak with us, however I can say that we do not have any information to provide regarding this matter as of yet. As soon as we are provided with the necessary information, we will ensure to get that out to providers as promptly as we can.

Stay safe

South Buffalo Mercy and MACC on EMS Diversion

By Alerts

We have received notification from Catholic Health and subsequently the State DOH, that South Buffalo Mercy Hospital, and the MACC are on full EMS diversion at this time.

As per the State DOH it states:

“The New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems has authorized EMS diversion for the hospital services listed above. EMS Agencies are directed to transport patients requiring these services to an alternate hospital for the duration of the diversion period.

A diversion does not mean the hospital is closed; but that the current patient load exceeds the hospital’s ability to safely treat additional patients.

If the patient’s condition is unstable including but not limited to obstetric patients with imminent delivery or in extremis patients with any uncontrollable problem such as an unmanageable airway, uncontrolled hemorrhage, unstable cardiopulmonary condition, or full arrest and the hospital on diversion is the closest appropriate hospital, EMS personnel may transport to the hospital to ensure that the patient receives appropriate medical care.

EMS agencies/dispatch centers must ensure that EMS units and supervisors in the field are informed of the status of hospitals in their area so that patients may be routed to the most appropriate facility.

Questions regarding the authorization of this notification can be directed to the New York State Department of Health, Surge and Flex Operations Center at (917) 909-2676.”

TECC at Twin District

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Twin District is hosting a TECC course on October 23rd and 24th, 2021. This is a two day event and both days must be attended. Please refer to flyer for more details.

21st Annual North Country EMS Spring Fling Call for Speakers

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From our friends up in North Country:


We are currently seeking submissions for lectures, workshops, keynotes, and full-day/multiple-day courses for the North Country EMS 21st Annual Spring Fling Conference, which will be held at the Edgewood Resort and Conference Center in Alexandria Bay, NY.

We are looking for submissions for the following:

April 28th and 29th: full-day, half-day, and evening pre-conference programs/courses/workshops

April 30th: Full-day ALS track and BLS track with 60- to 90-minute lectures

All topics and formats related to clinical, operations, leadership, and education will be considered. The deadline for submission is COB on November 29, 2021.

Submissions will be accepted by completing this survey

We take pride in giving our presenters a great experience. We pay honorariums and provide travel/lodging. All presenters are welcome at conference events, meals, etc. Please be sure to include honorarium expectations.

If you have any questions, please contact Ann Smith, FDRHPO North Country EMS Program Agency Director at

Ann Smith, Director
FDRHPO North Country EMS Program Agency
120 Washington Street, Suite 230
Watertown, NY 13601
Office 315-755-2020 ext. 56
Fax 315-755-2022
Cell 315-454-2606