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Rob McCartin

Paramedic Student Review Session

By Events, Training


Greetings Everyone

Please see the attached message:

Hosted by Medical Directors from Twin City, AMR and the Town of Tonawanda, as well as our EMS Fellows, Dr. Seth Butler and Dr. Stavros Lalos.

This will be a session of interactive review of the most-requested topics.

Dinner will be provided.

Casual Dress

Please RSVP to by 8/25/2024to allow time to order food.

NYS NEMSIS 3.5 Educational Snip #2024-002 | Leadership and Other Stakeholders

By NEMSIS Educational Snip, Training

Greetings Everyone

From the State:

NYS NEMSIS 3.5.0 | Educational Snip #2024-002

The Data and Informatics (DI) Unit at the Bureau of EMS & Trauma Systems is sending weekly Educational Snips highlighting various NEMSIS fields. Our goal is to help providers reduce documentation errors and warnings requiring adjustment throughout documentation by getting ahead of them. Each Educational Snip will start with a question, an outline of various fields, and elements (answers) within those fields. We are providing the NEMSIS named elements; the ePCR software used by your EMS agency might look different, and you should have custom values selected by the Department of Health available to you. If you have questions about specific documentation scenarios or if you would like clarification on particular data elements, please reach out to your organization’s leadership, Regional Program Agencies, or the DI Unit.

EMS agencies credentialed by New York State are now submitting ePCRs that adhere to the National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) 3.5 documentation standard. NEMSIS establishes a minimum documentation standard that requires fields that must be completed on an ePCR and NYS further defines these requirements to meet minimal additional requirements. Standardized documentation improves quality documentation. Measuring provider effectiveness, system efficiency, and patient outcomes is paramount to the success of EMS organizations across New York State.

The DI Unit will be holding monthly NEMSIS 3.5 ePCR briefings via Webex. In these briefings, issues that EMS agencies commonly face will be addressed. EMS providers will have the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns about 3.5 submission criteria they wish. Feedback from these briefings are vital for their ongoing success. If you are an EMS provider, an EMS leader, an EMS medical director, or a software vendor who attends these meetings, please fill out a survey through this link. Choose the ‘Data and Informatics’ option in the filter list, then under the ‘Surveys’ section of the page choose the survey link which applies to you.


Q: How has the documentation of trauma elements changed from NEMSIS 3.4 to NEMSIS 3.5?

Note:  all fields are named by NEMSIS with the Field Name (Field Identifier) (e.g. Incident / Patient Disposition (eDisposition.12)

Trauma element names were changed, and new values were added to reflect the 2021 American College of Surgeons National Guideline for the Field Triage of Injured Patients

  • Trauma Center Criteria (eInjury.03) is now Trauma Triage Criteria (Steps 1 and 2)
  • Vehicular, Pedestrian, or Other Injury Risk Factor (eInjury.04) is now Trauma Triage Criteria (Steps 3 and 4)


Important: eInjury.03 and eInjury.04 MUST be documented, when Possible Injury (eSituation.02) is “Yes.” Otherwise, these elements should not be recorded. Pertinent negatives are acceptable.

Trauma Triage Criteria (Steps 1 and 2) eInjury.03 – High Risk for Serious Injury

21 response options and is required by NYS. If you report that the patient has a possible injury, then “not applicable” is NOT an appropriate answer to the risk factor list. In other words, you must triage your patient for trauma criteria when they are injured, and thus if they lack any high-risk factors for serious injury in the list below the appropriate answer is a pertinent negative: “none reported”.

  • Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle
  • Crushed, degloved, mangled, or pulseless extremity
  • Chest wall instability, deformity, or suspected flail chest
  • Skull deformity, suspected skull fracture
  • Suspected pelvic fracture
  • Penetrating injuries to head, neck, torso, and proximal extremities
  • Respiratory Rate <10 or >29 breaths per minute (<20 in infants aged <1 year) or need for ventilatory support
  • Suspected fracture of two or more proximal long bones
  • Active bleeding requiring a tourniquet or wound packing with continuous pressure
  • Age >= 10 years: HR > SBP
  • Age >= 65 years: SBP < 110 mmHg
  • Age 0-9 years: SBP < 70 mmHg + (2 x age in years)
  • Age 10-64 years: SBP < 90 mmHg
  • Respiratory distress or need for respiratory support
  • Room-air pulse oximetry < 90%
  • RR < 10 or > 29 breaths/min
  • Suspected spinal injury with new motor or sensory loss
  • Unable to follow commands (motor GCS < 6)

Trauma Triage Criteria (Steps 3 and 4) eInjury.04 – Moderate Risk for Serious Injury

20 response options and is required by NYS. Again, when you answer “yes” to “Possible Injury”, you must report whether your patient has any moderate risks for serious injury. If they lack any of the options listed below, the appropriate pertinent negative is “none reported”.

  • Pedestrian/bicycle rider thrown, run over, or with significant impact.
  • Auto Crash: Death in passenger compartment
  • Auto Crash: Partial or complete ejection
  • Auto Crash: Significant intrusion (including roof): > 12 inches occupant site; > 18 inches any site; need for extrication
  • Auto Crash: Vehicle telemetry data consistent with severe injury
  • Vehicle v. Pedestrian or Motorcycle Crash > 20 MPH
  • SBP < 110 for age > 65
  • Anticoagulant use
  • Pregnancy > 20 weeks
  • Other EMS judgement
  • Burns in conjunction with trauma
  • Auto Crash: Child (age 0-9 years) unrestrained or in unsecured child safety seat
  • Fall from height > 10 feet (all ages)
  • Low-level falls in young children (age<=5 years) or older adults (age>=65 years) with significant head impact
  • Rider separated from transport vehicle with significant impact (eg, motorcycle, ATV, horse, etc.)
  • Special, high-resource healthcare needs
  • Suspicion of child abuse

Additional Information on the American College of Surgeons Trauma Triage Criteria can be found through the American College of Surgeons website: Field Triage Guidelines | ACS (

On ACS Website: Red Criteria pertains to eInjury.03 and Yellow Criteria pertains to eInjury.04.

Road Closure

By Alerts

Greetings Everyone,

I wanted to let everyone know of a road closure coming up. While this is not going to impact many of you, it has come to my attention that “Hopkins” road from Millersport to Schoelles Road is going to be closed both North and Southbound all next week (08/19 to 08/23). If your EMS agency utilizes that road for transport to Millard Fillmore Suburban, please make your providers aware of this for alternate transport routes to that facility.

UBMD’s Newest Employee

By EMS Jobs

Greetings Everyone,

I have been asked by many over the last several weeks if you have filled the role of EMS Program Coordinator here in the office. I am happy to announce that we have selected Zach Polvino to fill this role. Zach started with us last Monday and has been progressing with his orientation into this position. We held off on announcing this, until we had his email established within the organization. Zach came to us from M&T Bank where he was a project manager. Zach also serves as a Fire Captain and EMT with the Snyder Fire Department, to which he has been with since 2005. Zach will be working over the next couple of months getting up to speed with the “Administrative” side of the EMS business. Zach will be primarily serving the Big Lakes region, he will also be spending some time assisting in the Wyoming/Erie region as well. If you would like to reach out to Zach, his email is and he will be based out of this office.

Job Opportunity

By EMS Jobs

Greetings Everyone,

A message from Suny Erie:

The EMT Department at ECC has a posting for a full-time faculty member.—EMT_J0002178

The job description implies that you need graduate level education, but if you read the “or” section it does not.
The starting pay in the posting does not take into account that this is a 12-month education program and we receive a summer stipend and teaching overload as well. Please share this and let me know if you are interested ASAP.

Abigail Harning

Department Chair

EMT Department

South | Room 3130D

4041 Southwestern Boulevard

Orchard Park, NY 14127

P: 716-851-1669  |

Sponsor Application Impact Survey

By Uncategorized

Greetings Everyone,

The State BEMS has received an application for a course sponsor to upgrade by adding the Paramedic Program to their educational program. Please see the message below:

Application Number: 24-07

Application Type: Upgrade- Paramedic Program

Additional Information:

An application has been received from a course sponsor in your area for an upgrade to become a Paramedic Program. This status would allow them to provide original Paramedic courses to providers in both Erie County and the surrounding communities.

In accordance with the State EMS Code 800.20(a)(3), in addition to determining this sponsor’s capabilities to meet the requirements, the department must also consider the impact this potential sponsorship will have on education in the area. The survey can be found here:

This survey will remain open for two weeks from when you received your email. To assist us in making this determination, we are requesting your input.

Thank you for your time in this quick survey.

Please take a moment to fill this out. Thank you.