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Rob McCartin

Vital Signs Conference Registration

By Training

Greetings Everyone,

A message from Amy Eisenhauer at the State:

Good Afternoon EMS Leaders!

We are excited to announce that registration for Vital Signs 2024 is now open! The main conference has almost 60 sessions, including a NEW EMS Special Operations track. Pre-conference sessions include NAEMSE IC 1, ALS and BLS Core Content, NAEMSP Quality Course, EMS Leadership Course, Rescue Task Force and more!

More information on the inaugural New York State EMS Games will be announced in the next few weeks- start getting your team together to enter this exciting (and educational) skills competition.

We are also pleased to host a social on Friday Evening from 5pm to 7pm in the vendor hall where you can meet our exhibitors, have a pre-dinner snack, and visit the City of Play Networking area. Saturday night is game night at The Strong Museum of Play from 9pm to 11pm!

We can’t wait to see you all in Rochester October 16 to October 20, 2024!

Road Construction near Kenmore Mercy

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Greetings Everyone,

Beginning tomorrow, June 26th, Elmwood Ave by Kenmore Mercy hospital will be down to one lane. This will likely result in traffic back ups leading up to the facility. Please take note and adjust accordingly. Attached map for your reference.

Upcoming EMT Class – Daemen College

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Greetings Everyone,

Attached is the flyer for the upcoming EMT class beginning in September being held at Daemen College. If interested please download for more information.

CREDENTIALING – Deadline Approaching

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Greetings Everyone,

We are quickly approaching the deadline for getting the credentialing completed and submitted. Agency Leaders, please make sure that you submit your “membership summary” report by June 30th in order to remain compliant with WREMAC policy. If you are a provider that needs credentialing, please get with your agency leadership to get that completed. Currently, we have only received about 1/3 of the agencies that have submitted for this year. If you are one of those we thank you. Remember, you can submit the report as many times as you like until June 30th, but you should make sure to submit it at least once.

Any questions feel free to contact myself or Karen

East Shelby EMT Course

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Greetings Everyone,

Attached is the flyer for the East Shelby EMT class coming up in August. If you are interested please download the flyer.

ECMC Construction Map – Update

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Greetings Everyone,

Originally we sent out a map showing the alternate routes related to the recent construction going on near ECMC. It was reported that the map was confusing and less than accurate. Some of the staff at ECMC took the time to clarify this a little bit better, so we wanted to share their efforts. Attached is a better outline of alternate routes to ECMC. Please feel free to download and share with you providers.

Catholic Health – WREMAC Skills Sign Off Session

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Greetings Everyone,

The EMS  Liaisons at Catholic Health are doing a WREMAC skills sign off session on June 27th, 2024 starting at 1800hrs. This will be at the Tri Community Training Offices and is for any level of care. If you need to have your skills signed off, please download the flyer and register with them.