Mercy Flight of WNY will be offering an on-line CME opportunity on April 28th at 7pm: Non-Accidental Trauma
It is necessary to register in advance to receive the access link: REGISTER
Mercy Flight of WNY will be offering an on-line CME opportunity on April 28th at 7pm: Non-Accidental Trauma
It is necessary to register in advance to receive the access link: REGISTER
TO: Regional Emergency Medical Service Councils Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee EMS Providers
FROM: Ryan P. Greenberg, Director Steven P. Dziura, Deputy Director
SUBJECT: Cardiac Arrest Standards of Care During the COVID19 Pandemic
DATE: April 23, 2020
The guidance issued by the New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems on April 17, 2020 titled “COVID 19 Public Health EMS Cardiac Arrest Standards of Care” has been rescinded by DOH Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker.
The guidance proposed by physician leaders of the EMS Regional Medical Control Systems and the State Advisory Council – in accordance with American Heart Association guidance and based on standards recommended by the American College of Emergency Physicians and adopted in multiple other states – reflected nationally recognized minimum standards.
However, after further review, it has been determined that these standards are not necessary and for that reason DOH Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker has ordered them to be rescinded.
Effective immediately, all New York State EMS agencies and providers are directed to follow the New York State standard EMS Statewide Adult and Pediatric Treatment Protocols for the treatment of patients in cardiac arrest.
Download COVID-19 Cardiac Arrest Standards of Care Rescinded – Memo 04.23.20
To: Western New York EMS Providers & Medical Directors
From: Michael O’Brien, MD, FACEP, CCEMT-P Chair, Western Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee
Date: April 20, 2020
Re: URGENT – “The COVID-19 Public Health Emergencies EMS Cardiac Arrest Standard of Care”
We anticipate that the New York State guidance document entitled, “The COVID-19 Public Health Emergencies EMS Cardiac Arrest Standard of Care,” will be modified by the state shortly.
Agencies should notify their providers to delay implementation of this guidance until further notice.
This standard was built as a crisis guideline. As of the date of this memo, the EMS Medical Directors on the WREMAC do not feel our region meets a community crisis standard. The WREMAC will issue new guidance on cardiac arrest management in the near future.
Providers should continue managing cardiac arrest in accordance with existing NYS Collaborative Protocols and agency practices.
We have requested that the REMACs be granted the ability to activate this guidance document in the future, should the need arise.
Download URGENT WREMAC Advisory – Cardiac Arrest Protocol Update
TO: Emergency Medical Service Providers
FROM: Ryan P. Greenberg, Director and Steven P. Dziura, Deputy Director
SUBJECT: Cardiac Arrest Standard of Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
DATE: April 17, 2020
Effective immediately, all levels of the NYS Department of Health Certified Emergency Medical Services Providers (i.e., Certified First Responder through Paramedic level) must use the attached protocol. Please note that this protocol:
Applies only to patients older than 18 years of age;
Contains changes that are based on well-accepted, widely published evidence, and are widely agreed upon by the physician leaders of Emergency Medical Service Regional Medical Control Systems across New York State; and
Reflects recommended revisions which pre-date the COVID-19 public health emergency and have been successfully used in many areas of the US, as well as other locations throughout the world.
Download NYS Protocol – Cardiac Arrest Standards of Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The NYSDOH Bureau of EMS has updated the Vital Signs Academy calendar and there are many great CME opportunities upcoming. Be sure to visit register the these free webinars.
To register, click on each event in the calendar and proceed to the WebEx registration link.
John W. MacMillan, M. Ed., NRP, CIC
Unit Chief – Investigations and Education
Emergency Medical Services
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma Systems
875 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12206
Ph: 518-402-0996
Fx: 518-402-0985
EMS Agency Leadership Conference Call Information
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
15:00 hrs
Host: Peter Brodie (
Event number (access code): 619 617 205
Event password: Covid-19
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 3:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Event address for attendees:
Program: COVID-19 EMS Agency Update
Program address:
Program registration password: The program has no registration password
Audio conference information
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.
1-518-549-0500 Local
1-844-633-8697 US Toll Free
Toll-free dialing restrictions
The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems invites EMS Agency Leadership and EMS Providers for a direct conversation with the leadership of the Bureau regarding the current EMS system and our operational concerns. Please encourage all interested EMS agency leaders and EMS providers to complete the online form to express interest in receiving an invitation to the meeting:
Any questions are still submitted through the current survey:
Thank you!
Peter L. Brodie, BS, AEMT
Deputy Chief, Data and Informatics Unit
EMS Data Manager
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems
New York State Department of Health
875 Central Avenue
Albany, New York 12206