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NYS Bureau of EMS Webex Meeting: Weekly Education Update

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The weekly NYS Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems Webex meeting will be held today, Thursday, April 9th at 3PM.  Agencies are invited to select one representative to join the meeting.

Join Meeting

Join the audio conference only<span “>
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.<span “>
<span “>1-518-549-0500 Local<span “>
<span “>1-844-633-8697 US Toll Free<span “>
Toll-free dialing restrictions

COVID-19 EMS Agency Leadership Update (4-8-2020): Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems

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Message from the Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems:

EMS Agency Leadership and EMS Providers are invited to submit questions for discussion during the COVID-19 NYS EMS Agency Leadership Update (2020 04 08) on Wednesday, 08 April 2020 at 15:00.  Please use the link below to attend the call.  All participants are placed on mute at the start of the call, NYS BEMSATS staff will serve as panelists and respond to questions.  If you want to submit a question in advance, please complete the survey at

Thank you for your leadership and service.

Event number (access code): 619 389 386
Event password: COVID-19
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 3:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Event address for attendees:

REVISED: DOH COVID-19 Interim Guidance to Fire Services

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This message below was disseminated yesterday, April 6th.  Today we received an update and the revised document can be found below.


This guidance was developed for New York State fire service agencies to mitigate potential exposure of firefighting personnel to COVID-19.  This guidance is meant to assist fire service agencies in developing procedures applicable to their individual circumstances.  Additional guidance for consideration may be found at

Download REVISED DOH_COVID19_Interim Guidance to Fire Services Agencies

CME Webinar

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John MacMillan invites you to attend a Webex event.

This event requires registration. After you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event.

CME Webinar

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 6:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Host: John MacMillan (
Event number (access code): 612 503 297
Registration password: This event does not require a password for registration


Need help? Go to

AHA Provider and Instructor Card Extensions

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Many providers and instructors have certifications in American Heart Association courses.  Please see excerpts below regarding AHA Instructor and Provider Card Extensions.  The full statement may be downloaded at the bottom of this message.

Purpose: To provide additional flexibility for providers, AHA Instructors, and Instructor candidates during
the COVID-19 pandemic. NOTE: This guidance on card extensions supersedes the guidance outlined in the
March 13, 2020, document, “Interim Guidance on Extensions for AHA Instructor & Provider Cards during
COVID-19 Outbreak.”

For AHA Provider Cards expiring beginning in March 2020:
• AHA Provider Cards will be valid for 120 days beyond their recommended renewal date.
• Management of this extension, and any record-keeping, will be the responsibility of the Training

For Instructor Cards expiring beginning in March 2020:
• AHA Instructor cards will be valid for 120 days beyond their recommended renewal date.
• Instructor candidates will also have 10 months from the completion of their Instructor course to
complete monitoring.
• Management of this extension, and any record-keeping, will be the responsibility of the Training

Download the AHA COVID19 Statement_Card Extensions_Update 33120

DOH COVID-19: Interim Guidance to Fire Services

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This guidance was developed for New York State fire service agencies to mitigate potential exposure of firefighting personnel to COVID-19.  This guidance is meant to assist fire service agencies in developing procedures applicable to their individual circumstances.  Additional guidance for consideration may be found at

DOWNLOAD DOH_COVID19_Interim Guidance to Fire Services Agencies

Health Advisory: COVID-19 Cases in Nursing Homes and Adult Care Facilities that involves EMS

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Temperature checks are required for their administration, staff, visitors and EMS personnel. Anyone entering the nursing home or adult care facility is subject to COVID 19 screening as outlined in the guidance document linked below.

Please share with local and regional EMS as this guidance affects them when dropping off or picking up a patient at one of these facilities.

Compliance with this directive is not optional. It is required.

These facilities contain our most at risk population and we all, including but not limited to EMS, need to do our part to prevent spread inside these facilities as much as possible.

Daniel J. Clayton, BS, EMT-P

Chief, Operations Section

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services


New York State Department of Health

875 Central Avenue

Albany, NY 12206

State Mobilization Request: Attention All Ambulance Services

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The DOH is directing program agencies to forward this request to all ambulance services. This request is to determine availability of ambulance resources for three days to assist with interfacility transport operations beginning on 04/07/2020.

Reply to the survey is requested by noon on 04/06/2020.


Steven P. Dziura Jr.

Deputy Director

New York State Department of Health

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma Systems

875 Central Avenue
Albany, New York 12206

Kaleida Mask Mandate and Pre-Arrival Notification

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All EMS providers must wear masks upon entry to any Kaleida facility.   Masks should be available at each EMS entrance. If no masks are available, please ask staff for a mask for each EMS crewmember and patient(s).

For pre-arrival notification of a STABLE patient, please do not call the medical direction line.  The general ED number should be utilized.  If medical direction is needed, please utilize the med line.

For any questions or for more information please contact me or visit


Joshua J. Lynch, DO, FACEP

Corporate Emergency Services Liasion

Kaleida Health

Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

University at Buffalo| Jacobs School of Medicine