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Critical Care Sunset | Public Comment Opportunity

By January 22, 2024No Comments


From the State:

The NYS DOH Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems along with the State EMS Council (SEMSCO) Training and Education Committee are moving forward with the sunset of the NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC).  This process started at the SEMSCO in 2017.

Less than one certification cycle and only 3 years away, we’ll reach the 10-year mark from the beginning of that process in 2027. As we approach this 10-year mark we are working on steps to complete what the Education and Training Technical Advisory Group (TAG) put together and are seeking your feedback to take additional steps towards the sunset of the EMT-CC

We are asking for feedback from the field so we can take into account all perspectives. Please find the survey by clicking the following link:

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

If I could also ask you the favor of forwarding the email to any colleagues in our field, it would be greatly appreciated.

Drew Chesney

Unit Chief, Education and Certification