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Critical Care Sunset | Public Comment Opportunity

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From the State:

The NYS DOH Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems along with the State EMS Council (SEMSCO) Training and Education Committee are moving forward with the sunset of the NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC).  This process started at the SEMSCO in 2017.

Less than one certification cycle and only 3 years away, we’ll reach the 10-year mark from the beginning of that process in 2027. As we approach this 10-year mark we are working on steps to complete what the Education and Training Technical Advisory Group (TAG) put together and are seeking your feedback to take additional steps towards the sunset of the EMT-CC

We are asking for feedback from the field so we can take into account all perspectives. Please find the survey by clicking the following link:

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

If I could also ask you the favor of forwarding the email to any colleagues in our field, it would be greatly appreciated.

Drew Chesney

Unit Chief, Education and Certification

NYS Rural Ambulance Task Force Virtual Meetings

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Due to increased interest the Department of Health Bureau Of EMS and Trauma Systems will be hosting two virtual meetings regarding the NYS Rural Ambulance Task Force.  If interest, please either scan the QR Codes for the session you would like to attend in the flyer link below or simply follow one of the other direct links below.  Pre-registration is required.




Tuesday, 1/23/24 at 4pm Registration Link:


Monday, 1/29/24 at 10am Registration Link:

Thank you and stay safe!

Catholic Health /Mercy Hospital of Buffalo

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We were asked to share the message below from Catholic Health however, please remember that ambulances should not be running near any ED entrance.


With the cold weather upon us Mercy Hospital of Buffalo has seen an increase in ambulances left running under the ambulance ramp.  While we understand why crews leave their ambulance running, this leads to diesel fumes filling the Emergency Department.  Upon arriving at MHOB please turn your engine off or immediately move your ambulance to one of the EMS overflow parking spots.


Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Catholic Health System EMS Liaison team.


Emily James (Rowles) MBA, EMT – P, NYS CIC

Cell: (716) 812 – 4275

System Manager of Emergency and Acute Neuro Services, Catholic Health


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From the State

New York State EMS Agency Leaders, County EMS Coordinators and Program Agency Directors,

***County EMS Coordinators and Program Agency Directors, Please Share Widely Within Your Counties / Regions***

Due to a Multi-Hazard Weather Event in Erie County, the Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) Section of the Bureau of EMS is conducting a survey to determine the availability of EMS agencies, with preference for Advanced Life Support level (EMT-CC/Paramedic), able to respond to a request for emergency assistance under the State Mobilization Plan. Agencies assigned to respond to this event will be contracted by New York State. These resources will be utilized to assist at several shelter locations throughout the region.

Please consider the following when responding to the survey.

Funding for this deployment is as follows:

    • ALS Unit $2340/unit per day, Admin Fee $234/unit per day
    • BLS Unit $2100/unit per day, Admin Fee $210/unit per day
    • $37/hr. restricted hours (non-assignment/ on-call status) x 12 hours per day
    • GSA MI&E $69/day per person. Lodging (double occupancy)- $117
    • Mileage will be paid at the GSA rate of $0.67/mile from EMS Agency HQ to deployment location

The concept of operations is as follows:

    • 12 hour operational periods (0700-1900 and 1900-0700)
    • Staging/Deployment location is TBD
    • All agencies will be covered by their own insurance
    • Duration will be up to 3 days or more depending on call volume and volunteer participation

Please use the link below to complete the survey. NOTE: This survey be polled, beginning at 1730 hours on January 13th 2023. This survey will remain open and continue to be evaluated through the weekend on an as-needed basis.

PLEASE DO NOT DEPLOY. Agencies will be contacted by the Bureau of EMS if selected for deployment.


Thank you for your time and consideration.


Stephen M. Brucato, BS, EMT-P

District Chief | Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems


Big Lakes Regional EMS Council Awards Submissions 2024

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On behalf of the Awards Commitee Chairperson of the Big Lakes Regional EMS Council; we are excited to announce the committee is now accepting awards nominations.  The committee had a fantastic response last year, let’s do it again!  The link below will take you to the flyer from the committee.  All awards nominations are due by March 31, 2024.


Thank you and stay safe!