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NYS Rural Ambulance Task Force Town Hall Meetings

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The New York State Department of Health has organized some Town Hall meetings regarding the NYS Rural Ambulance Task Force.  We are passing information along so those interested in attending the in-person meeting or virtual meetings have the information needed.  In the link below is a flyer with the QR codes to register.  There have been many questions regarding this task force, hopefully some of those questions can be answered during these sessions.

Thank you and stay safe!



FINAL NEMSIS 3.4.0 Documentation Standard Update | Schematron and Facility List Updates

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Greetings Everyone,

See the message below from the State Data and Informatics:

The NYS 3.4.0 Documentation Standard, implemented today, has been updated to include the changes listed below.  The optional changes in validation rules are designed to ease some documentation pain points as requested by EMS providers.  The facility codes are required changes to ensure smooth transmission of ePCRs to the sending and receiving facilities listed below.

Rule 1396 (eVitals.01) ~ rule deactivation
Rule 1387 (eTimes.08) ~ change from failure to warning
Rule 1388 (eTimes.08) ~ change from failure to warning
Rule 1592 (eInjury.03) ~ change from failure to warning
Rule 2181 (eTimes.09) ~ change from failure to warning
Rule 2182 (eTimes.11) ~ change from failure to warning
Rule 2183 (eTimes.12) ~ change from failure to warning

The following are the updates to the facility codes to be implemented as follows:

Wynn Hospital (H15478) ~ add to eScene.10 and eDisposition.02 ~ MidState Region
Barnes Center – Health (M00002) ~ add to eScene.10 and eDisposition.02 ~ Central New York Region
Maimonides Bay Ridge (Freestanding) Emergency Department (M00094) ~ add to eScene.10 and eDisposition.02 ~ New York City Region
The Guthrie Clinic | Corning Hospital (H00866) ~ address was changed ~ Southern Tier Region
Binghamton University | Decker Student Health Services Center (M00003) ~ add to eScene.10 and eDisposition.02 ~ Susquehanna Region

An update document is being sent to the Regional Program Agencies for additional distribution to the EMS agencies that will allow for ease in understanding the changes.

The NEMSIS 3.5.0 Documentation Standard and Schematron release has been delayed until Friday of this week to avoid any confusion associated with the final changes in 3.4.0.  We apologize for any delay and inconvenience.

ImageTrend clients who contract directly should contact ImageTrend Support with any questions; all others may email with any questions or concerns.


Peter L. Brodie, AEMT, BS

Branch Chief, Data and Informatics Unit

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

Agency Quality Assurance Programs

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The New York State Department of Health Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems has placed the updated NYS Quality Improvement for Prehospital Clinicians manual on the Bureau of EMS website.  Agency leaders please take a moment to review the updated manual as you review your quality improvement/assurance programs.

The link for the website page is here:

Please feel free to reach out to our office with any questions!

Stay Safe!