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Rob McCartin

Reminder: EMS for Children Survey Begins January 5, 2022

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Greetings Everyone,

I want to remind everyone that there is a survey for EMS for Children that requests your attention. This is an opportunity to be heard and offer valuable input. Agency Leaders, please take the 5-10 minutes to answer some questions related to Pediatrics. If anyone has any questions please let me know. Here is the message from the state:

My name is Amy Eisenhauer and I am the New York Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program Manager, housed in the Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems. Thank you for all you are doing to provide emergency care during these unprecedented times.

EMS for Children hosts an annual national quality improvement effort related to EMS care of pediatric patients. There is a brief questionnaire  to learn about EMS agency efforts related to the care for ill or injured children and associated needs, which is critical amidst the current public health crisis

We recognize this is a difficult time and appreciate EMS leaders help as we seek to understand more about pediatric emergency care in New York State.

The EMS for Children Survey should only take about 5 to 10 minutes and can be found at

Agency leaders select “New York,” their county, and then their specific agency name to find their agency specific survey.

I sent an email with all of this information to each agency this morning. I am requesting that you reach out to the EMS agencies in your area to alert them that the survey will be beginning this week and requesting their assistance in completing the survey.

In past years, the responses from the survey have helped identify needs and provide resources for improving pediatric emergency care at the local and national level. To continue building on this momentum, we are relying on EMS leaders from all EMS agencies to respond to the questionnaire. The responses will be used by the New York EMSC Program for Quality Improvement efforts. De-identified data from EMS agencies across the country will also be combined to review progress and provide support for integrating the needs of children into our overall emergency care systems.

I would like to thank you in advance for your assistance with this project. I recognize how busy you are, and greatly appreciate you taking the time to help us understand more about the current complexion of emergency care for children amidst the pandemic!

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions about this project or any EMSC endeavors!

Be well and stay safe,

Amy Eisenhauer

EMS for Children Program Coordinator

EMS Liaison to Coverdell Stroke Program

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

FDNY Medical Special Operations Conference May 12-15, 2022

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Greetings Everyone,

From the State DOH –

Please see attached and share locally with EMS providers and other healthcare professionals.

If you have questions, they should be directed to

Daniel J. Clayton, B.S., EMT-P

Section Chief, Trauma Systems

Executive Secretary, State Trauma Advisory Committee

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

MACC Reopening

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Catholic Health is reporting that the MACC will be reopening as of January 30th, 2022 at 0700hrs. Please see and share the notice.

URMC looking for Practicing Paramedics

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Greetings Everyone,

See the message below from URMC:

Attention Practicing NYS Paramedics,

Our research team, which is based within the URMC Emergency Department, is looking for local paramedics to take part in an educational research study focused on utilizing thoracic point-of-care-ultrasound in the evaluation and management of respiratory distress. Please see the attached infographic for additional details on what this study entails and how to register to participate.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.